- AOT Texas Practitioner’s Guide: Treatment Advocacy Center (2022)
- Implementing AOT: Essential Elements, Building Blocks, and Tips for Maximizing Results, Treatment Advocacy Center (2019)
- 2022 AOT Courts Judicial Summit on Mental Health Session
- "Assisted Outpatient Treatment Court Saved My Life:" 2022 Summit session by lived experience expert Eric Smith
Texas AOT Coalition
What is the Texas AOT Coalition?
The Texas Advocacy Center has asked for some local leaders to help guide the work in Texas. JCMH Executive Director Kristi Taylor will co-chair the this coalition with Daniela Chisolm, Assistant County Attorney, Mental Health Division, El Paso County. The coalition will meet quarterly; meetings will have an educational component and opportunities to discuss ideas for new projects. Some suggestions include developing legislative proposals, creating new tools and resources, starting a mentorship program, and sharing forms that would be available online for free.

2025 Events
Date | Time | Meeting type | Location | Materials |
February 14, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm central | AOT Coalition | Virtual | Agenda |
March 27 - 28 |
Day 1: 7:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Day 2: 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. |
National AOT Symposium & Learning Collaborative | Baltimore, MD | Registration |
April 15, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm central | AOT Coalition | Virtual | Agenda |
June 5 - 6, 2025 |
Day 1: 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. Day 2: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. |
Transfer to Civil Commitment with Assisted Outpatient Treatment Training | San Antonio, TX | Registration |
August 15, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00 pm central | AOT Coalition | Virtual | Agenda |

AOT Training in San Antonio
June 5 - 6, 2025
Treatment Advocacy Center is hosting a FREE training in San Antonio from June 5 - 6, 2025. The topic is transfer to civil commitment with Assisted Outpatient Treatment.
Is your jail struggling to serve individuals with untreated severe mental illness who don't know they are ill? Is your county using its limited resources to serve those with SMI caught in the revolving door of criminal legal involvement with few positive results? If so, this training will show you a tool for communities who are willing to collaborate with their system partners to get those in crisis needed treatment.
Judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, jail administrators, mental health authorities and others with a desire to help those with untreated severe mental illness who are caught in the revolving door of incarceration due to a lack of insight into their illness should attend.
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Resources
Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) Forms
- Affidavit for Outpatient
- Application for Extended Outpatient with Affidavit
- Application for Outpatient with Affidavit
- Certificate of Medical Examination
- Judgment Extended Outpatient
- Motion to Modify Extended Inpatient to Outpatient
- Order for Extended Outpatient AOT
- Order for Outpatient AOT
- Order Modifying Inpatient to Outpatient
- Order Modifying Judgment Extended Outpatient to Inpatient
- Order Modifying Outpatient to Inpatient
- Outpatient Judgment
- Physician Certificate of Medical Examination Outpatient
- Provider Application
- Provider Unsworn Declaration
From the Treatment Advocacy Center website:
What is Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT)?
Assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) is the practice of providing community-based mental health treatment under civil court commitment, as a means of: (1) motivating an adult with mental illness who struggles with voluntary treatment adherence to engage fully with their treatment plan; and (2) focusing the attention of treatment providers on the need to work diligently to keep the person engaged in effective treatment.
The Treatment Advocacy Center's essential elements of an AOT program are to:
- Identify individuals within the service area who appear to be persistently non-adherent with needed treatment for their mental illness and meet criteria for AOT under state law;
- Ensure that whenever such individuals are identified, the mental health system itself takes the initiative to gather the required evidence and petition the court for AOT, rather than rely on community members to do so (although community members should not be impeded from initiating an AOT petition or investigation where permitted by state law);
- Safeguard the due process rights of participants at all stages of AOT proceedings;
- Maintain clear lines of communication between the court and the treatment team, such that the court receives the clinical information it needs to exercise its authority appropriately and the treatment team is able to leverage the court’s powers as needed;
- Provide evidence-based treatment services focused on engagement and helping the participant maintain stability and safety in the community;
- Continually evaluate the appropriateness of the participant’s treatment plan throughout the AOT period, and make adjustments as warranted;
- Employ specific protocols to respond in the event that an AOT participant falters in maintaining treatment engagement;
- Evaluate each AOT participant at the end of the commitment period to determine whether it is appropriate to seek renewal of the commitment or allow the participant to transition to voluntary care;
- Ensure that upon transitioning out of the program, each participant remains connected to the treatment services they continue to need to maintain stability and safety.