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Hon. Jesse F. McClure III


Megan LaVoie was appointed the Administrative Director for the Texas Office of Court Administration and as Executive Director of the Texas Judicial Council December 2021. Prior to this position she served as the Director of Public Affairs and Special Counsel for the Office of Court Administration. LaVoie previously served as Senior Director of Advocacy for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society where she led advocacy and government affairs for a 5-state region for the health care non-profit. Prior to that, she was General Counsel and Communications Director for former State Senator Robert Duncan. During the 83rd Legislative Session, she was one of the lead negotiators of the Michael Morton Act, a bill that reformed Texas’ criminal discovery law. Ms. LaVoie began her career as a TV reporter and anchor for KJTV in Lubbock, Texas. She has been recognized numerous times by the Texas Association of Broadcasters for her reporting. She serves on the Public Affairs Committee for the State Bar of Texas and the Group Benefits Advisory Committee for the Employee Retirement System. Ms. LaVoie is a graduate of Texas Tech University with degrees in journalism and history, has a JD from St. Mary’s University School of Law and is a graduate of the 2017 Governor’s Executive Development Program. She and her husband, David, have one daughter, Willa and their Welsh Terrier puppy, Brody.