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Treatment Courts Collaborative

Without accessible resources, some people with mental illness and substance use disorder cycle through the court system repeatedly. Treatment Court Programs can interrupt this cycle by connecting justice-involved individuals with long-term community-based treatment, resources, and ongoing judicial monitoring.

The JCMH began the second cohort of the Treatment Courts Collaborative (formerly the Mental Health Courts Collaborative) in January 2025. The Collaborative is a program providing technical assistance and support for judges who want to start a Treatment Court Program or judges whose Treatment Court Program is less than a year old. Consisting of four online sessions in early 2025 and a registration scholarship to attend the annual conference of the Texas Association of Specialty Courts, the small group will cover topics critical to the creation of a Treatment Court Program: model courts, judicial ethics, grant writing, and more. This Collaborative will be for judges, by judges, with the chance to learn from experienced mentor judges and collaborate with other judges facing the same challenges.

2024 Mental Health Treatment Court Collaborative Video