2024 Summit videos are available on our YouTube channel NOW!
Our Mission
The mission of the Judicial Commission on Mental Health is to engage and empower court systems through collaboration, education, and leadership, thereby improving the lives of individuals with mental health needs, substance use disorders, or intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

AOT Training in San Antonio
June 5 - 6, 2025
Treatment Advocacy Center is hosting a FREE training in San Antonio from June 5 - 6, 2025. The topic is transfer to civil commitment with Assisted Outpatient Treatment.
Is your jail struggling to serve individuals with untreated severe mental illness who don't know they are ill? Is your county using its limited resources to serve those with SMI caught in the revolving door of criminal legal involvement with few positive results? If so, this training will show you a tool for communities who are willing to collaborate with their system partners to get those in crisis needed treatment.
Judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, jail administrators, mental health authorities and others with a desire to help those with untreated severe mental illness who are caught in the revolving door of incarceration due to a lack of insight into their illness should attend.
2024 Judicial Summit on Mental Health
The 7th annual event was a success!
Nearly 1,200 people attended the 2024 Judicial Summit on Mental Health either online or in person at the Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Convention Center in Allen, Texas. The one and a half-day conference attracted registrants who work in all 254 Texas counties. Additionally, we had registrants from all 39 local mental health authorities (LMHAs) and local behavioral health authorities (LBHAs).
This year, we had so many great speakers we wanted to feature that we broke Thursday afternoon into three breakout sessions. Each session had seven options for presentation topics - meaning attendees got to choose from 21 different presentations.
Thank you to all who joined us in person or online and to the many contributors who made it possible. We hope to see you for our 8th Annual Summit in 2025!

County Mental Health Law Plan
The laws relating to persons with mental illness or intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD) are complex and span several different codes affecting multiple, diverse stakeholders. For this reason, the JCMH created the County Mental Health Law Plan (CMHLP) program. The CMHLP is a JCMH pilot program that offers technical assistance, tools, and resources including a checklist and template to support eight counties in their work to create a County Mental Health Law Plan over a six-month period. The goals of the pilot are to determine if creating such a plan encourages discussions that add collaboration, efficiency, cost-savings, and accountability to county mental health law systems.
Reimagining Justice Podcast
The Texas Judicial Commission on Mental Health brings you an inside look at the individuals working to improve the lives of those at the intersection of mental health and justice in our state. We sit down with Texas mental health stakeholders and delve into their personal stories, experiences, and insights in the field. Listen in as we highlight their work and initiatives aimed at advancing mental health support and addressing the challenges in the criminal justice system.